DIVERTICULOSIS OR DIVERTICULITIS? The terms diverticulosis and diverticulitis sound similar, but what’s the difference? And is one more serious than the other? These are common questions I get when discussing the topic of diverticulosis and diverticulitis, so, let’s discuss. They are different, but related. The short version: Diverticulosis is an out-pouching of the wall of the intestine, and diverticulitis refers to the process of one or more of these pouches becoming infected and inflamed. So, what exactly is diverticulosis (the longer version)? Diverticulosis
IS IT OK TO GOOGLE MY SYMPTOMS? Chances are, if you’ve been handed off from doctor to doctor, without finding a resolution for your gastroenterological issues, you may be at the end of your patience with standard medical practices. After all, you are an individual person with individual symptoms – not just someone who can be placed in a box and given a one-size-fits-all solution. Have you Googled your symptoms looking for answers? Trust me, you are not alone! Everyone does it. As
UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CELIAC DISEASE & WHEAT INTOLERANCE / SENSITIVITY People often ask me what the difference is between celiac disease and gluten or wheat intolerance/sensitivity. It is a good question, and can be confusing, so I would like to give some basic information regarding the difference. Of course, if this is something you are struggling with and need support, please make an appointment to see me, and we can discuss what might be appropriate for your particular situation. Celiac disease
SHOULD YOU TRY A RESTRICTIVE DIET? Are you sensitive to certain foods and wonder if eliminating foods from your diet might help? A restrictive diet can certainly help reduce symptoms sometimes, but they can also have unintended consequences such as nutrient deficiencies and disordered eating. As such, restrictive diets should be used judiciously and ideally on a short-term basis. This month I’m breaking down restrictive diets and helping you determine when and if it is something to explore. If you are considering
/ HYDRATION AND ELECTROLYTE REPLACEMENT Admittedly, I was thinking about this blog topic after our late May heat wave, when I thought we might escape “Juneuary” here in Seattle, but alas, our weather can be very unpredictable. That said, it’s definitely bound to heat up after July 4th (at least we can count on that!) With that in mind, it’s time to talk about hydration and electrolyte replacement. I don’t often write about general health in my blogs, as a naturopathic doctor
WHEN A THERAPEUTIC DIET MIGHT BE NECESSARY Therapeutic diets have been used for decades to manage various health conditions, especially gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. Although therapeutic diets can be beneficial for many patients, they must be used judiciously to avoid the risk of disordered eating, particularly in children. As a naturopathic doctor specializing in gastroenterology, I recognize the importance of using therapeutic diets for short periods of time to reduce symptoms and then gradually expanding the diet as symptoms improve. One important