DIVERTICULOSIS OR DIVERTICULITIS? The terms diverticulosis and diverticulitis sound similar, but
DIVERTICULOSIS OR DIVERTICULITIS? The terms diverticulosis and diverticulitis sound similar, but what’s the difference? And is one more serious than the other? These are common questions I get when discussing the topic of diverticulosis and diverticulitis, so, let’s discuss. They are different, but related. The short version: Diverticulosis is an out-pouching of the wall of the intestine, and diverticulitis refers to the process of one or more of these pouches becoming infected and inflamed. So, what exactly is diverticulosis (the longer version)? Diverticulosis
/ HYDRATION AND ELECTROLYTE REPLACEMENT Admittedly, I was thinking about this blog topic after our late May heat wave, when I thought we might escape “Juneuary” here in Seattle, but alas, our weather can be very unpredictable. That said, it’s definitely bound to heat up after July 4th (at least we can count on that!) With that in mind, it’s time to talk about hydration and electrolyte replacement. I don’t often write about general health in my blogs, as a naturopathic doctor
WHEN A THERAPEUTIC DIET MIGHT BE NECESSARY Therapeutic diets have been used for decades to manage various health conditions, especially gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. Although therapeutic diets can be beneficial for many patients, they must be used judiciously to avoid the risk of disordered eating, particularly in children. As a naturopathic doctor specializing in gastroenterology, I recognize the importance of using therapeutic diets for short periods of time to reduce symptoms and then gradually expanding the diet as symptoms improve. One important
FIVE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT IBD Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic condition that affects the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Here are five important things you should know about IBD: IBD affects millions of people worldwide: IBD is a global health issue, with an estimated 3 million people affected in the United States alone. The condition is found in people of all ages, although it is most commonly diagnosed in young adults between the ages of 15 and 35. (SOURCE) There are two
Many people seek the help of a naturopathic doctor with a specialty in gastroenterology after being diagnosed with IBS by their Gastroenterologist. Tired of merely managing IBS symptoms, patients want to get to the bottom of their diagnosis, and find that GI doctors are limited in the care they are able to give. Naturopathic medicine offers solutions beyond a chronic diagnosis and helps alleviate and/ or eliminate the underlying causes of an illness. The diagnostic criteria for Irritable
It’s a special time of year, a time for reconnecting to ourselves. As 2022 winds to a close, we might be reflective of the fact that we have been through a once in a generation experience. Many of us are thinking and hoping that 2023 will finally be the year we will get back to “normal.” I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, they are hard to stick to. Instead, setting life goals and intentions that can actually be obtained are
For those who have chronic bowel discomfort and have not been able to alleviate symptoms long term on their own, it can be tempting to take to the internet for answers. You may be wondering if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). Often times rather than narrowing down information to achieve diagnosis, independent investigation adds a level of complexity to the issues at hand. It can be hard deciphering the nuances of the symptoms on your
It’s time to get real. When was the last time you had a bowel movement? And the last time you had a bowel movement did you check it out? I mean really check it out? People rarely take time out of their day to think about poop. But they should. It’s an important part of daily life. A lot of people are constipated and don’t even know it. Constipation occurs when there is lack of ease or discomfort in eliminating the bowels,
As a naturopathic doctor with a specialty in gastroenterology I often work with patients that have been referred to me by a primary care doctor. In these cases, symptoms are often hard to diagnose or conversely, the diagnosis is so specific my expertise is required. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE) is one of those specific types of diagnoses. A naturopathic approach to patient care looks for the root cause of an illness in order to relieve symptoms. The treatment of EOE requires a multifaceted
Which came first? The chicken or the egg? This age-old story is one and the same when it comes to gut permeability and the havoc it can wreak on a person’s body. Does leaky gut cause discomfort in the GI tract or is discomfort in the GI tract causing the gut to leak? Let’s take a closer look: Leaky gut is not an actual diagnosis. It is a term used by doctors to describe the deterioration of the mucosal lining in the small intestine.
DIVERTICULOSIS OR DIVERTICULITIS? The terms diverticulosis and diverticulitis sound similar, but
It’s time to get real. When was the last time
As a naturopathic doctor with a specialty in gastroenterology I
Have you noticed a burning sensation in your esophagus or
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